Wednesday, November 02, 2011

News: Snow & Egg Drawings.

As I stood in my driveway shoveling snow I thought: This never entered my mind as something I would be doing on Halloween.My short bird feeder is on the left loaded with snow, and in the background are 2 of our trees.
Both of which I can normally walk under & like most trees still had their leaves.

We skipped straight pass fall and into winter (and in the frozen land of Nador they were forced to eat Sir Robin's minstrels. And there was much rejoicing)
It was a very odd weekend.
I am happy we were only without power for a few days. =)

First I wish to apologize to the people of the Albany Comic Con. I was looking forward to sharing this wonderful season with you and hope to see you all in the future!
Second, I will leave you with a sneak peek of the eggs (bunnies are in-progress) I worked on in the dark for the upcoming Goose egg auction.
First Day of School and Dream of the Moon Bunnies.