I hope everyone has had a nice start to 07. Over the holidays I got to see Red vs Blue (very funny and sarcastic). I shared christmas with my family and new years at Julie and Jespers house in Washington (state). It was a great party! I met alot of nice people.
I updated my website. I added the full version of the witch at the left, hynea men, and a playful necromancer under characters. In color illustrations I added a few elves and 2 fantasy enviroments. Im really happy with the nest with the macaws picture. www.jennifer-meyer.com
I also have changed the name of my websites to include my middle initial (which is L). I have found that trying to google my name comes up with alot of other Jennifer artists. Since I'm not on Elfwood, Epilogue, making jewelry, or running a marathon I decided on the change.
-J.L. Meyer